How do I get involved with productions?
Information for students wanting to audition and/or sign up for a crew can be found once auditions have been announced:
a) On fliers put out in the hall and on the theatre classroom door
b) Overheard on the announcements during Dragon Den
c) On the "Call Board" link on the theatre website
Students will need to pick up an audition or crew packet from Ms. Ponsford's door, have it signed, and return it before auditions. These packets will contain all information about auditioning procedures, rehearsal scheduling, crew meetings, etc. Students interested in acting will need to attend auditions. Students interested in being part of a crew or being a crew head will need to turn in their application and may need to schedule an interview with Ms. Ponsford.
Do I need to be academically eligible to participate in a production?
Yes. All students who want to participate in the theatre program after normal school hours
must be passing all of their classes with a 70 or higher in order to be eligible (per Texas HB
72 and Senate Bill 1). A student whose grades fall below a 70 at the end of a six week
period will not be allowed to participate, unless he/she is able to bring their grade up to
passing by the next progress report. If this happens, the student will be reinstated to
participate. This is the state law, and all students should be aware that academics will
always come first. All students are encouraged to attend before and after school tutorials.
How do I enroll in Theatre I or Theatre II?
You can enroll in either Theatre I or II by signing up with your counselor. Both classes are one semester long and count as electives.
How do I enroll in Theatre III?
Theatre III is the advanced class and is for 8th grade students who have taken Theatre I and/or Theatre II, or have lots of previous theatre experience. This class runs the full year, so applications will be available to 7th grade students towards the end of their spring semester. You can pick up an application from your counselor.
How do I succeed in theatre class?
Do your daily warm-ups, use your class time wisely, be an excellent audience member, try your best on projects and performances, follow the class rules, and ask for help if you need it!
What are the class rules?
- Treat the teacher and your fellow students with respect.
- When the teacher is talking, you are listening.
- Follow instructions.
- Do not misuse classroom materials.
- Keep all material PG (no vulgarity, violence, or alcohol/drug references).
- Daily participation grades, warm-ups, and small assignments are 15%
- Performances, quizzes, and small projects are 25%
- Tests and large projects are 60%
Is late work accepted?
Any theatre assignments will be accepted up until the last day of the six weeks. If a late assignment is turned in one day late, it will receive up to a 70%. If an assignment is turned in more than one day late, it will receive up to a 50% until the end of the six weeks.
Can I earn extra credit?
Extra credit can be earned by seeing a play during the six weeks and turning in a written critique. The play must be seen during the semester because it needs to be fresh for your critique- you can not turn in a critique for a show you saw before the semester started.
This is the template for writing a critique to turn in for extra credit:
EXTRA CREDIT- Play Critique
Make sure to follow each paragraph’s description thoroughly and to the best of your ability. Each paragraph should be at least five sentences.
***Each critique should be turned in with proof of seeing the play- either a program, ticket, or signed note from a parent.
First Paragraph: Write a summary of the play including beginning, middle, and end. Make sure to include characters’ names.
Second Paragraph: Describe the following technical elements of the play- set, costumes, lighting, and sound. Did you like the designers’ choices? Why or why not? How did they contribute to the overall effect of the play?
Third Paragraph: Describe the main three actors’ performances. Were they believable? Why or why not?
Fourth Paragraph: What was the moral of the play? Additionally, what did you learn about theatre (acting, writing, tech) from watching this play?
When can I plan on hearing from the theatre teacher?
I will, of course, contact you if there are any problems with your student so that we can work together to create a solution. I am also very enthusiastic about letting you know when your student is doing particularly well. I also send out email progress reports the 3rd and 5th weeks of each six week period to help keep track of your student's current grade.
How can I get involved?
Please email me and let me know you're interested! We are always in need of parents to organize t-shirt sales, bring food, sell tickets and concessions, sew costumes, help with set construction, etc. We would be so grateful to have your help!
If you have any of the following items, we would be happy to take them off your hands!:
- Power Tools
- Construction Materials
- Period Costumes
- Classroom materials such as glue sticks, scissors, markers, paint, paint brushes, etc.